The Modern Argonauts
A Multicultural Educational Programme Preparing Young People
for Contemporary Challenges through an Innovative Use of Classical Mythology
ERC Proof of Concept Grant (2023–2025)
About the Modern Argonauts

The Project aims at creating an international educational programme that prepares high schoolers for the challenges of the present times through an innovative use of Greek and Roman mythology. See more here.
Visit us on the map
The map shows the following locations: the project’s Host Institution, the institutional affiliations of our mythical authors, experts, and patrons, the schools involved in the project, as well as the main stopovers where the Modern Argonauts can meet certain mythical figures. For larger map look here.

2024-06-17 | We are pleased to present a new page on "The Modern Argonauts" website - here you will find the mess[...] | See more here
Our Mythical Childhood
Our lessons are being tested at high schools worldwide. We wish to thank the passionate teachers, students, and, last but not least, the schools’ governing bodies for their great response and participation in our mythical journey. Valde grati Vobis sumus! For more information see here.
We are most grateful to the international institutions involved in the study and popularisation of Classical Antiquity worldwide for their readiness to help disseminate the results of the Modern Argonauts project. Gratias Vobis agimus maximas!