The Modern Argonauts

A Multicultural Educational Programme Preparing Young People 
for Contemporary Challenges through an Innovative Use of Classical Mythology

ERC Proof of Concept Grant (2023–2025)

Dr Maria Wiśniewska

Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw


Maria Wiśniewska Maria Wiśniewska
Dr Maria Wiśniewska is sociologist, economist, and manager. 



1983–1988 National Bank of Poland, Poznań Regional Branch – first steps in banking industry as a loan officer in a corporate division
1988–1996 Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy, Poznań – Deputy CEO
1997 Skarbiec Mutual Fund, Warsaw – CEO
1998–2003 Bank Pekao SA, Warsaw – CEO
The successful consolidation, privatisation and subsequent effective implementation of new strategy to increase effectiveness and the Bank’s shareholder value made the Bank Pekao the largest bank in CEE in terms of accumulated capital and one of the most effective banks in the region. 
2005–2007 Member of Polish Parliament
2008–2012 Corporation of European Pharmaceutical Distributors NV, Amsterdam – CEO


Orange S.A. Polska – independent member of Supervisory Board – from 2015
Institute of Public Affairs – member of Programme Council – from 2003
Artes Liberales Institute Foundation”, Warsaw University – deputy CEO 

Anatomia przywództwa charyzmatycznego

Dr Maria Wiśniewska was twice on the list of the twenty-five most influential women in Europe, announced by the Wall Street Journal in 2001 and 2002. 
In 2003 she was on the list of “Stars of Europe” published by Business Week
Profile on the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” Website